Cosy Homes Oxfordshire

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In the UK we have a very old and inefficient housing stock. That means our homes make up a significant part of our carbon footprint, responsible for around 14% of carbon emissions in the UK as a whole – and up to 29% of Oxford city’s carbon emissions.

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In the UK we have a very old and inefficient housing stock. That means our homes make up a significant part of our carbon footprint, responsible for around 14% of carbon emissions in the UK as a whole – and up to 29% of Oxford city’s carbon emissions.
If we are to address the climate emergency, it is absolutely imperative that we quickly address the energy efficiency of our homes, and that’s where Cosy Homes Oxfordshire comes in.

Cosy Homes Oxfordshire is a one-stop-shop home retrofit service, aiming to make it simple for homeowners in Oxfordshire to improve the energy efficiency of their homes – reducing carbon emissions and energy bills whilst making the home more comfortable to live in.

We take a whole house approach to home retrofit, because we know that’s what will make the biggest difference to the carbon emissions of our housing stock.

Cosy Homes Oxfordshire launched in 2019 and is currently in its pilot phase of developing the service, with funding from the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. If you’re interested in using our service for your home, make sure you read our information on how the service works before registering your home. Please also be aware that we are currently operating with a waiting list for home assessments and Whole House Plans due to high demand, and it will likely take between 2 and 4 weeks from registering your home for our team to book you in for your home assessment.

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“Continually unleash technically sound products before installed base opportunities. Holisticly harness granular e-business with e-business ROI.”

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus a enim sit amet sapien laoreet “

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For homeowners

Cosy Homes Oxfordshire is a one-stop-shop home retrofit service, aiming to make it simple for homeowners in Oxfordshire to improve the energy efficiency of their homes – reducing carbon emissions and energy bills whilst making the home more comfortable to live in.

For building professionals

With growing knowledge of the importance of home retrofit in the climate crisis, there is growing demand in Oxfordshire – and we need building professionals to help us deliver retrofit projects.

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